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Invited oral communications in international scientific meetings





Invited oral communications in national scientific meetings



  • H. A. Ferreira, “Imaging Genetics”, Anual Meeting of BIN: Methodological Challenges in Systems Neuroscience, Brain Imaging Network of Portugal, 2 December 2015, Coimbra, Portugal.

  • H. A. Ferreira, “Multimodal Imaging Connectivity Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders”, XV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Nuclear, 19-21 November 2015, Coimbra, Portugal.





Oral communications in international scientific meetings



  • R. J. Maximiano, T. Constantino, A. Santos-Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira, “Automatic Classification of Brain Connectivity - a toolbox for supporting neuropsychiatric diagnosis”, ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting, 7-13th May 2016, Singapore.

  • A. C. Mendes, A.-M. Oros-Peusquens, A. Santos-Ribeiro, K.-J. Langen, C. W. Lucas, N. J. Shah, H. A. Ferreira, "Brain connectivity of glioblastoma patients using MR-PET and DTI data", ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting, 7-13th May 2016, Singapore. 



  • R. Neto-Henriques, M. M. Correia, R. G. Nunes, H. A. Ferreira, “Resolving crossing fibers and generalizing biomarkers using the diffusion kurtosis tensor”, ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, 30 May – 5 June 2015, Toronto, Canada.

  • A. C. Mendes, A. Santos-Ribeiro, A.-M. Oros-Peusquens, K.-J. Langen, N. J. Shah, H. A. Ferreira, "Brain connectivity study of brain tumor patients using MR-PET data: preliminary results", PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 17-20 May 2015, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italia.

  • V. Tavares, H. Ferreira, A. Leal, "Dynamic analysis of the interaction between physiological and epileptic resting state networks", 13th ESMRN Congress, 14-16 May 2015, Porto, Portugal.



  • H.A. Ferreira, A.R. Rocha, P.M. Gonçalves-Pereira, R.M. Manaças, A. Andrade, “Multiscale entropy analysis of blood-oxygen level dependent brain signals”, 29th Annual Scientific Meeting ESMRMB2012, 4-6 October 2012, Lisboa, Portugal. Oral in Poster Highlights Session.



Oral communications in national scientific meetings



  • F. S. Rodrigues, R. Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira, “Brain Connectivity Leap: multimodal interaction with the human connectome”, II Congresso Internacional da Saúde Gaia-Porto, 19-21 November 2015, Porto, Portugal.

  • V. Tavares, R. Maximiano, F. Fernandes and H. A. Ferreira, “Classificação automática de doentes com Perturbações Neuropsiquiátricas”, Congresso de Neurologia 2015 - Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia, 11 November 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • V. Tavares, H. Ferreira, A. Leal, “Análise da dinâmica de interacção entre as redes neuronais de repouso fisiológicas e epilépticas”, 27º Congresso Nacional de Epileptologia, 13-14 March 2015, Coimbra.

  • R. Loução, R. G. Nunes, R. Neto-Henriques, M. M. Correia, H. A. Ferreira, “Human brain tractography: a DTI vs DKI comparison analysis”, 4th Portuguese BioEngineering Meeting, 26-28 February 2015, Porto, Portugal.

  • D. N. Sousa, H. A. Ferreira, “Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion processes using crowd-processing”, 4th Portuguese BioEngineering Meeting, 26-28 February 2015, Porto, Portugal.



Mixed presentations, poster & e-poster communications, hardware and software exhibits in international scientific meetings



  • T. Constantino, A. Santos-Ribeiro, R. Maximiano, J. McGonigle, D. Nutt, H. A. Ferreira, “Brain Connectivity Analysis of Parkinson's Disease and "Scans Without Evidence for Dopaminergic Deficit" Patients”, ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting, 7-13 May 2016, Singapore (e-poster).

  • R. Loução, K. Elsner, R. G. Nunes, R. Neto-Henriques, M. Correia, A. Ribeiro, H. Ferreira, “Effects of the Number of Diffusion Directions in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: a Structural Connectivity Study using in vivo data”, ISMRM 2016 - 24th Annual Meeting, 7-13th May 2016, Singapore (e-poster).



  • F. Lucena, T. Vaz, J. Pé-Leve, A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. Lacerda,  N. Silva, D. Nutt, J. McGonigle, H. A. Ferreira, “Evaluation of the quality of neuroimaging features as Alzheimer’s Disease biomarkers”, EANM2015 - 4th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 10-14 October 2015, Hamburg, Germany. Poster. Best Technical Poster.

  • J. Brito, A. Andrade, H. Ferreira, K. Koschutnig, G. Pfurtscheller, "Dynamics of slow BOLD oscillations measured with the phase component of wavelet coherence", ESMRMB 2015 Congress - 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 1-3 October 2015, Edinburgh, UK. E-poster + lightning talk presentation.

  • D. N. Sousa, H. A. Ferreira, "Study of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging parameters using Monte Carlo simulations", ESMRMB 2015 Congress - 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 1-3 October 2015, Edinburgh, UK. E-poster + lightning talk presentation.

  • R. Loução, R. G. Nunes, R. Neto-Henriques, M. M. Correia, A. Santos-Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira "Structural connectivity based on diffusion kurtosis imaging", ESMRMB 2015 Congress - 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 1-3 October 2015, Edinburgh, UK. E-poster + lightning talk presentation.

  • R. Neto-Henriques, M. M. Correia, H. A. Ferreira, "United Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging toolbox", ESMRMB 2015 Congress - 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 1-3 October 2015, Edinburgh, UK. Poster and software exhibit. Certificate of Merit.

  • A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. M. Lacerda, R. Neto-Henriques, R. Maximiano, R. Loução, H. A. Ferreira, “MIBCA: a toolbox for processing and analysis of multimodal imaging and connectivity data”, 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015), 30 August – 2 September 2015, London, UK. Poster + highlight talk.

  • F. S. Rodrigues, R. Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira, “Brain Connectivity Leap: Interacting with the brain connectome”, 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015), 30 August – 2 September 2015, London, UK. Poster + highlight talk.

  • R. Maximiano, A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. M. Lacerda, H. A. Ferreira, “Automatic classification of brain connectivity matrices using the MIBCA toolbox”, 2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health (BIH2015), 30 August – 2 September 2015, London, UK. Poster + highlight talk.

  • J. Soeiro, A. P. Cláudio, M. B. Carmo, H. A. Ferreira, "Visualizing the brain on a mixed reality smartphone application", 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 25-29 August 2015, Milan, Italy.

  • F. S. Rodrigues, R. F. Ribeiro, H. A. Ferreira, “Brain Connectivity Leap”, LXMLS 2015 – Lisbon Machine Learning School Demo Day, 21 July 2015, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Demo, hardware/software exhibit.

  • J. Soeiro, A. P. Cláudio, M. B. Carmo, H. A. Ferreira, “Brain AR/VR - a new tool for visualizing the brain”, LXMLS 2015 – Lisbon Machine Learning School Demo Day, 21 July 2015, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Demo, hardware/software exhibit.

  • A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. Lacerda, David Nutt, H. Ferreira, J. McGonigle, "A multimodal imaging approach to the study of Alzheimer's disease", IBRO 9th World Congress 2015, 7-11 July 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Poster.

  • Ticlo, S. Reimão, H. Ferreira, J. M. Sousa, D. Abreu, J. Ferreira, J. Campos, R. G. Nunes, “Serial Measurements of Structural Connectivity and Diffusion-Tensor Metrics in Parkinson's Disease”, ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, 30 May – 5 June 2015, Toronto, Canada. E-poster.

  • R. Ribeiro, I. Neiva, H. A. Ferreira, “BrainVR: the virtual reality brain connectivity navigator”, ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, 30 May – 5 June 2015, Toronto, Canada.

  • V. Tavares, A. Santos-Ribeiro, C. Capela, L. Cerqueira, H. A. Ferreira, “Method for epileptogenic focus localization using BOLD signal complexity analysis”, ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, 30 May – 5 June 2015, Toronto, Canada. (Educational Stipend to V. Tavares). E-poster.

  • V. Tavares, A. Santos-Ribeiro, C. Capela, L. Cerqueira, H. A. Ferreira, "Epileptogenic focus localisation: a new approach", PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 17-20 May 2015, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italia. Poster.

  • J. Leote, R. G. Nunes, L. Cerqueira, H. A. Ferreira, "Corticospinal MRI tractography in space-occupying brain lesions by diffusion tensor and kurtosis imaging methods", PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 17-20 May 2015, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italia. Poster.

  • F. Lucena, T. Vaz, J. Pé-Leve, A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. Lacerda, N. Silva, D. Nutt, J. McGonigle, H. A. Ferreira, "Assessment of brain regions and multimodal neuroimaging metrics as biomarkers of Alzheimer’s Disease", PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 17-20 May 2015, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italia. Poster.



  • R.F. Ribeiro, I. Neiva, H.A. Ferreira, “BrainVR: brain connectivity navigator”, LXMLS 2014 – Lisbon Machine Learning School Demo Day, 24 July 2014, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Demo, hardware/software exhibit.

  • R. Maximiano, H.A. Ferreira, “Towards a clinical decision support system for neuropsychiatric disorders: MLSP 2014 schizophrenia classification challenge”, LXMLS 2014 – Lisbon Machine Learning School Demo Day, 24 July 2014, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Demo, software exhibit.

  • A. Andrade, H. Ferreira, K. Koschtnig, G. Pfurtscheller, “Slow waves in rest and paced motion studied with wavelet transform coherence: an fMRI study”, OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, 8-12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. Poster.

  • V. Tavares, J. Brito, H. Ferreira, A. Andrade, K. Koschtnig, G. Pfurtscheller, “Temporal clustering analysis to evaluate slow oscillations around 0.1 Hz”, OHBM 2014 Annual Meeting, 8-12 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. Poster.

  • A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. M. Lacerda, N. A. da Silva, H. A. Ferreira, "Multimodal Imaging Brain Connectivity Analysis (MIBCA) Toolbox: preliminary application to Alzheimer's Disease", 3rd Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 19-21 May 2014, Kos, Greece. Poster and early stage researcher oral highlight, COST grant.

  • R. Neto-Henriques, L. Lacerda, R. Nunes, M. M. Correia, H. A. Ferreira, “Diffusion kurtosis imaging based tractography”, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milan, Italy. Poster.

  • J. M. Sousa, R. G. Nunes, S. Reimão, J. Ferreira, H. A. Ferreira, “Analysis of structural connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease using graph theory analysis”, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milan, Italy. Poster.

  • L. M. Lacerda, A. Santos-Ribeiro, N. A. da Silva, R. Neto-Henriques, H. A. Ferreira, “Multimodality imaging brain connectivity toolbox”, Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014, 10-16 May 2014, Milan, Italy. ISMRM Magna Cum Laude. Poster.



  • H. A. Ferreira, F. Rodrigues, M. I. Meyer, A. Santos-Ribeiro, P. M. Gonçalves-Pereira, R. Manaças, A. Andrade, “Complexity analysis of resting-state networks”, ESMRMB 2013 Congress 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology October 3-5, 2013, Toulouse, France. Poster + oral (selected for Poster Madness Session).

  • A. Santos-Ribeiro, L. Lacerda, J. Rodrigues, J. M. Sousa, H. A. Ferreira, “Multimodal imaging brain connectivity analysis”, ESMRMB 2013 Congress 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology October 3-5, 2013, Toulouse, France. E-poster + oral (selected for Poster Madness Session).

  • L. Lacerda, F. dell’Acqua, R. Manaças, P. Gonçalves-Pereira, R. Neto-Henriques, A. Andrade, R. Nunes, H. A. Ferreira, “Automatic dissection and structural connectivity of the limbic system”, 30th International Epilepsy Congress, 23-27 June 2013, Montreal, Canada. Poster presentation.

  • R. Neto-Henriques, M. Correia, R. Nunes, J. Ramalho, H. Ferreira, “Advances on multi-compartment model simulations to interpret the 3D geometry of diffusion kurtosis”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2013 Conference, 16-20 June 2013, Seattle, USA.

  • L. Lacerda, R. Neto-Henriques, F. dell’Acqua, R. Nunes, A. Andrade, R. Manaças, P. Gonçalves-Pereira, and H. Ferreira, “Functional and structural connectivity of the limbic system using automatic parcellation”, Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2013 Conference, 16-20 June 2013, Seattle, USA.



  • H.A. Ferreira, A.C. Borralho, P.M. Gonçalves-Pereira, R. Manaças, A. Andrade, “Granger causality analysis of resting-state networks in post-traumatic epilepsy patients”, 10th European Congress on Epileptology, 30 September to 4 October 2012, London, United Kingdom. Poster.

  • H.A. Ferreira, C. Ferra, P. Gonçalves-Pereira, R. Manaças, A. Andrade, “Pipeline methodology for structural connectivity analysis: application to the normal brain”, 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 10-14 June 2012, Beijing, China. Poster.



Mixed presentations, poster & e-poster communications, hardware and software exhibits in national scientific meetings



  • A. S. Ticló, S. Reimão, H. A. Ferreira, J. M. Sousa, D. Abreu, J. Ferreira, J. Campos, R. G. Nunes, “A Longitudinal Study of Structural Connectivity and Diffusion-Tensor Metrics in Parkinson's Disease”, 7th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering”, 18 April 2015, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.

  • R. Loução, R. G. Nunes, R. Neto-Henriques, M. Correia, H. Ferreira, “Human brain tractography: a DTI vs DKI comparison analysis in crossing fiber regions”, 18 April 2015, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal.



  • A.C.P. Mendes, H.A. Ferreira, P. Gonçalves-Pereira, R.M. Manaças “Characterization of gray matter in the limbic system”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.

  • F. Borlinhas, C. Ferra, S. Silva, P. Gonçalves-Pereira, R. Manaças, H. A. Ferreira, “Correlation between diffusion MRI metrics and structural connectivity parameters in the human brain”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.

  • J. Brito, V. Tavares, H. Ferreira, A. Andrade, K. Koschtnig, G. Pfurtscheller, “Brain connectivity during task condition: a wavelet analysis approach”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.

  • F. Guerreiro, F. Melo, M. Carmo, N. Vilhena, H. Ferreira, “Building a tridimensional hologram of plots of cerebral connectivity graphs”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.

  • V. Tavares, J. Brito, H. Ferreira, A. Andrade, K. Koschtnig, G. Pfurtscheller, “Brain connectivity at slow oscillations: a temporal clustering approach”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.

  • J. M. Sousa, R. G. Nunes, S. Reimão, J. Ferreira, H. A. Ferreira, “Analysis of structural connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease using graph theory analysis”, 6th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 5 April 2014, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.



  • C. Ferra, H.A. Ferreira, “Differences in structural connectivity between normal and pathological brains”, 4th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering, 21 April 2012, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. Poster.




Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
Campo Grande
1749-016 Lisboa
Tel: +351-217 500 177
Fax: +351-217 500 030




This research was financially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and Ministério da Ciência e Educação (MCE) Portugal (PIDDAC) under grant PTDC/SAU-ENB/120718/2010.




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