Certificate of Merit for the "United Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging" toolbox
We are very happy! Today, the "United Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging" (UDKI) toolbox, was awarded a Certificate of Merit at the ESMRMB 2015 Congress in Edinburgh! UDKI is a comprehensive toolbox for the analysis of DKI data, including unique algorithms for estimation of DKI metrics and DKI-based tractography.
Congrats Rafael for the excelent work!
For more details please see:
R. Neto-Henriques, M. M. Correia, H. A. Ferreira, "United Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging toolbox", ESMRMB 2015 Congress - 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 1-3 October 2015, Edinburgh, UK. Poster and software exhibit. Certificate of Merit for Software Application.